Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Tak Eun Joo

Tak Eun Joo

Korean Person

Tak Eun Joo is the Head of the SBS Costume Department....

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Lee Hyuk Rae

Lee Hyuk Rae

Korean Person

Lee Hyuk Rae is a cinematographer, editor, producer, director and screenwriter....

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Kim Joo Man

Kim Joo Man

Korean Person

Kim Joo Man is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Kim Hwang Do

Kim Hwang Do

Korean Person


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Seong Do Joon

Seong Do Joon

Korean Person


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Kim Kyung Tak

Kim Kyung Tak

Korean Person

Kim Kyung Tak is a South Korean actor....

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Kim Da Hwin

Kim Da Hwin

Korean Person

Kim Da Hwin is a South Korean musical and stage actor....

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Yeon Eun Ji

Yeon Eun Ji

Korean Person

Yeon Eun Ji is a South Korean dancer and a member of Brand New Child on Street Dance Girls Fighter....

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Lee In Ok

Lee In Ok

Korean Person

Lee In Ok is a South Korean actress....

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Lee Mi Kyung

Lee Mi Kyung

Korean Person

Lee Mi Kyung is a South Korean actress. While starring King’s Woman she was diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer. She...

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Cho Eun

Cho Eun

Korean Person


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Jeon Byung Wook

Jeon Byung Wook

Korean Person

He is a musical stage, theater, film and drama actor....

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Lee Joon Hwi

Lee Joon Hwi

Korean Person


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Kim Do Kyun

Kim Do Kyun

Korean Person

Guitarist in heavy metal band Baeksodan...

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Choi Yoon Tae

Choi Yoon Tae

Korean Person

Choi Yoon Tae is a South Korean director and screenwriter....

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Kim Da Son

Kim Da Son

Korean Person


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Ahn Han Byeol

HanByeol (DreamNote)

Korean Person

Ahn Han Byeol is a South Korean singer under iMe KOREA. She is a former member of the girl group...

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Kim Dong Joon

Kim Dong Joon

Korean Person


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  • Male
  • Female