Serious Male Lead Korean Dramas & Movies

Semantic Error: The Movie (2022)

Semantic Error: The Movie

Rank #47

Chu Sang Woo is a perennial loner. He is a junior computer science major and his Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) type is ISTJ – the Logistician. This means he is...

Where Your Eyes Linger (Movie) (2020)

Where Your Eyes Linger (Movie)

Rank #510

Friendship evolves into something more between two high school students: a playful chaebol heir and the diligent bodyguard who’s always by his side. (Source: Netflix)...

Semantic Error (2021)

Semantic Error

Rank #1123

Chu Sang Woo is a junior computer science majoring student who prizes reason, rules, and a rigid sense of what is right above all else. As part of his university...

Where Your Eyes Linger (2020)

Where Your Eyes Linger

Rank #1899

Meet Han Tae Joo, the 18 year-old student and successor to the TB Group. Blessed with a wealthy family, good looks and popularity, he has few worries. Kang Gook, his...

Hope or Dope

Rank #2611

Eighteen-year-old Kyung Da Jung, who should be concentrating on completing her last year of high school, is used by her ruthless mother as a substance mule – transporting narcotics to...